Arcade; Clone Of Bomber
1984: AIR ASSAULT, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Arcade; Battleships
1984: ATOM HUNT, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Clone Of Monopoly
1984: DRAGON FODDER, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Graphical War Game
1984: EMPIRE, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Arcade; Clone Of Hangman
1984: EXECUTION, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Higher/Lower Card Game
1984: HILO, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Board Game; Clone of MONOPOLY
Dave Reading
1984: HOTEL ON MAYFAIR, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Space Trading Game
1984: INTERPLANETARY TRADER, Datacom Communications, £9.95
1984: SNAIL PACE, Datacom Communications, £9.95
1984: WIPEOUT, Datacom Communications, £9.95
Arcade; 3D Maze Game
1984: WUMPUS MANSION, Datacom Communications, £9.95